Notice of Meeting & Agenda |
Full Agenda Packet (14.38 MB) |
Agenda Items
01. 110823 CC LAFCO Mtg Notice and Agenda
02. ITEM 3, 091323 LAFCO Mtg - DRAFT Minutes
03. ITEM 5, 23-11 CSA R-7 Activation of Latent Powers Staff Report
04. ITEM 6, 23-12 Dissolution of Alamo Lafayette Cemetery District
05. ITEM 7, LAFCO 2024 Meeting Schedule
06. ITEM 8, FY 2023-24 First Quarter Budget Report
07. ITEM 9, LAFCO Policies and Procedures.
08. ITEM 10, LAFCO Financial Audits
09. ITEM 11, Current and Potential LAFCO Applications
10. ITEM 12, 092623 SDRMA Recognitions full pdf
11. ITEM 13, CCCERA Agendas